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Accounting and Business

Belle Fourche High School


Mrs. Day, Instructor

This year-long course is designed to give the students a thorough background in the basic business procedures that are used worldwide. An emphasis is placed on accounting procedures that apply directly to personal finances. Following the mastery of the accounting concepts manually, the students will learn to use computerized accounting software. The course will also focus on topics such as banking, business and employment law, and the students will learn how to use different types of business equipment such as electronic calculators. Guest speakers will also be invited to class to discuss many of the topics listed below. Contents for the course are as follows:

      Debits and Credits

      General Journals


      The beginning accounting cycle which includes the balance sheet, income statement, adjusting entries, closing entries, and post-closing trial balance

      Accounts receivable and accounts payable

      Payroll and inventory systems

      Sole Proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations

      Depreciation, notes payable, interest, and accruals.

      Consumer purchasing strategies and legal protection.

      Business Ethics.

      Employee rights and protection.

      Personal and Business Law.

      The Court System.

      Criminal Law, Contracts, Warranties.

      Employment Protection and Equal Opportunity.

      Balancing and Reconciling a Checking Account.

      Differences between a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, and Corporation.


      QuickBooks Accounting software.

Please bring a 3-ring binder to hold all the information you will obtain over the year from this class. You will use this to hold assignments, papers, homework, terms, etc.

Standards for Receiving Credit

40% - Tests and Quizzes over material from required text, terms, and lectures.

40% - Daily assignments.

20% - Final Examinations. Final Exams will be given at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

Other Requirements

      All work will be done on the student network. If you do not have a student folder or cannot remember your password, see me and I will get one for you.

      Students are expected to make-up any assignments from absences within 2 days of the absence. There will be a review before the day of the exam. If you are absent on testing days, you will take the test the day you return after being absent.

      You must make arrangements for make-up work and are responsible for asking the teacher what was missed. I am in the computer lab from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You may come in during study halls or after school.

      No food of drink of any kind will be allowed in the computer lab. Log out each day at the end of class to protect your student folder from being accessed by someone else.

      All work must be your own, and there are severe consequences for cheating and plagiarism. If you are caught cheating, copying another person’s work, or copying information out of a book or off the Internet verbatim, the first offense is a zero for your work and a call to your parents. If you commit a second offense, you will not pass this class.

      Please be on time for class. Tardiness and inappropriate behavior will be dealt with according to school policy. Disruptive behavior will result in loss of participation points and/or other consequences.


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